Experience in der American Psychological Association (APA)
Recherche von Rudolf Sponsel, Erlangen
Gesichtet wurden das Wörterbuch der APA und die Homepage der APA
am 08.10.2024. Im Dictionary der APA gibt es einen Eintrag "experience":
Concept of experience auf der APA-Homepage
"Concept of experience" auf den APA Seiten
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führte bei search "concept of experience" am 08.10.2024 zu "No Results
Zusammenfassung-experience-Homepage: Der Abruf am 08.10.2024 mit search "experience" erbrachte 9429 Fundstellen. Erste 5 Seiten mit den ersten 50 Fundstellen am 08.10.2024, davon die erste Seite auf wayback gesichert. Nr. 5, die Meta-Analyse, habe ich näher untersucht. Nach meinen Stichprobeneindrücken gibt es wahrscheinlich bis 08.10.2024 keine Arbeit, die sich mit dem Begriff des Erlebens (experience) näher befasst. Damit ignoriert die APA einen wichtigen Kern der Psychologie.
"Sort by: relevance
2. A Q&A; with user experience researcher Dr. Laura Faulkner
As a user experience researcher, Dr. Laura Faulkner, PhD, utilizes
her psychology expertise to help companies better understand how people
perceive and respond to products or services. Webinar (May 2017)
Fundstellen experience nicht ermittelbar, weil Zugang nur für
3. Young Onset Dementia: The Lived Experience
Describe how the lived experience of young onset dementia differs from
that of older onset dementia. Continuing Education (January 2022)
Fundstellen experience 4 in der Description
4. More than half of adults with chronic pain experience
anxiety and depression
Many also experience work limitations,
difficulty completing errands alone, and trouble taking part in social
activities. Magazine Article (March 2024)
Fundstellen experience 2
5. A Meta-Analysis
of the Facial Feedback Literature : Effects of Facial Feedback on Emotional
Are Small and Variable [wayback]
The facial feedback hypothesis suggests that an individual's experience
of emotion is influenced by feedback from their facial movements. To evaluate
the cumulative evidence for this hypothesis, the authors conducted a meta-analysis
on 286 effect sizes derived from 138 studies that manipulated facial feedback
and collected emotion self-reports.
Journal Article (June 2019)
Fundstellenanalyse Meta-Analyse: Der Begriff experience wird bei den ersten
7 Fundstellen im Text nicht definiert, oder näher erläutert,
auch nicht durch Querverweise, Fußnote, Anmerkung oder Literaturhinweis.
Da man erwarten darf, dass wichtigere Begriffe dort definiert oder erläutert
werden, wo sie die ersten Male verwendet werden (Regeln
Zum Geleit), habe ich mich auf die ersten 7 Erwähnungen im Text
der ersten 2 Seiten beschränkt. In keiner der 7 Erwähnungen wird
erleben definiert oder näher erläutert, auch nicht durch Fußnote,
Anmerkung, Querverweis oder Literaturhinweis. Ich nehme an, was bis dorthin
nicht erklärt und geklärt wird, wird es auch weiterhin nicht.
Fundstellen experience
GÜ: [1] S. 610: „Die tiefen spirituellen Reflexionen des buddhistischen
Mönchs Thích Nh´ât Hanh über die menschliche
Natur haben ihn zu einer Idee geführt, die tief verwurzelt ist sowohl
in unseren Laientheorien als auch in wissenschaftlichen Theorien über
Emotionen: Rückmeldungen von unseren Gesichtsbewegungen können
unser Erleben von Emotionen beeinflussen.“
[2] S. 611 „Der Begriff „Gesichtsfeedback“ wird häufig verwendet,
um die Auswirkungen von Gesichtsbewegungen auf ein beliebiges Ergebnis
von Interesse zu bezeichnen, wie z. B. die Wahrnehmung von Emotionen (Neal
& Chartrand, 2011) oder implizite rassistische Vorurteile (Ito, Chiao,
Devine, Lorig & Cacioppo, 2006). [3] Der Begriff „Gesichtsfeedback-Hypothese“
wird jedoch normalerweise für die Auswirkungen von Gesichtsfeedback
auf emotionale Erfahrungen reserviert. [4] Diese Rezension wird sich fast
ausschließlich auf die Gesichtsfeedback-Hypothese konzentrieren.
Daher werden wir für unsere Zwecke in dieser Rezension die folgende
Definition von „Gesichtsfeedback“ verwenden: die Auswirkungen von Gesichtsbewegungen1,
die prototypisch mit dem Ausdruck von Emotionen verbunden sind, auf emotionale
Die Ursprünge der Forschung zur Gesichtsfeedback-Hypothese
[5] Die Forschung im Zusammenhang mit der Gesichtsfeedback-Hypothese
wurde durch die Schriften von William James (1884, 1890, 1894) und Carl
Lange katalysiert. (1885), die beide vorschlugen, dass unser bewusstes
Erleben von Emotionen auf wahrgenommenen Veränderungen unserer körperlichen
Zustände beruht.2 Obwohl diese Theoretiker die theoretische
Grundlage lieferten, auf der später die Hypothese der Gesichtsrückmeldung
aufgebaut wurde, betonte keiner von ihnen die Rolle des Gesichts. [6] Für
Lange war das Gesicht irrelevant, da er behauptete, dass emotionale Erfahrungen
ausschließlich durch wahrgenommene Veränderungen im autonomen
Nervensystem hervorgerufen würden. [7] James hingegen ließ die
Möglichkeit zu, dass Gesichtsrückmeldungen eine Rolle beim Erleben
von Emotionen spielen könnten. In Anerkennung der Parallelen zwischen
seinen und Langes Theorien tendierten James’ (1890, 1894) spätere
Schriften jedoch dazu, die Bedeutung des autonomen Nervensystems zu betonen.
[8] Tatsächlich behauptete James , dass jede emotionale Erfahrung,
die ausschließlich durch willkürliche Muskelbewegungen hervorgerufen
wird, „eher ‚hohl‘ ist“ (James, 1884, S. 192). Angesichts der Tatsache,
dass James und Lange sich hauptsächlich auf wahrgenommene Veränderungen
im autonomen Nervensystem konzentrierten, ist es vielleicht überraschend,
dass sich die Forscher schließlich auf die Rolle der Gesichtsrückmeldung
konzentrierten. Um darüber zu spekulieren, warum, hilft es, die historischen
Debatten zu berücksichtigen, die die James-Lange-Theorien umgaben.“
7. Introduction to experience sampling methods and implementation
Lear about experience sampling methods,
which allow researchers to examine how psychological phenomena unfold in
daily life in various contexts. Webinar (October 2024)
8. APA Resolution Opposing Child Sexual Abuse
Children who have been sexually abused often experience
health problems, eating disorders, learning difficulties, behavioral problems,
fearfulness, social withdrawal, anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts.
APA Policy (January 2011)
9. Fostering New Relational Experience: Clinical Process in Couple Psychotherapy
This article discusses change processes in couple psychotherapy that
are necessary to foster a new relational experience
in the session where the couple feels safe enough to reveal more vulnerable
emotions and to explore their defensive withdrawal, aggressive attacking,
or blaming. Journal Article (March 2014)
10. Perceptions of Analogue Therapist Empathy as a Function of Salient
Similarity [PDF]
Therapist empathy is an important ingredient of successful psychotherapy.
This study examined whether participants' perceptions of a therapist differed
as a function of the participant and therapist having had a similar salient
(parental divorce). Journal Article (March 2012)
11. 2014 convention theme is “Experience Group/The Group Experience”
A review of the 2013 convention, explanation of the 2014 convention
theme, and a list of graduate training programs that feature group therapy.
Newsletter Article (November 2013)
12. APA Summer Undergraduate Psychology Experience in Research Fellowships
APA offers fellowships to support undergraduate students from underrepresented
groups interested in psychology research experience during the summer.
Grant, Award, or Funding (August 2024)
13. Resolution on Gender and Sexual Orientation Diversity in Children
and Adolescents in Schools
Same-sex sexual and romantic attractions, feelings, and behaviors are
normal and positive variations of human sexuality regardless of sexual
orientation identity; and diverse gender expressions, regardless of gender
identity, and diverse gender identities, beyond a binary classification,
are normal and positive variations of the human experience. APA Policy
(February 2015)
14. What are Research Experience for Undergraduates programs?
Research Experience for Undergraduates programs are comprehensive research
opportunities provided through a participating host university and fully
funded by the National Science Foundation. Newsletter Article (January
15. Varieties of Anomalous Experience, Second Edition
This book is a scientific investigation of experiences such as synesthesia,
lucid dreaming, out-of-body experiences and auditory and visual hallucinations,
anomalous healing, past-lives, near-death experiences, mystical experiences,
and alien abductions. Book (August 2013)
16. Candra Garrett, Senior User Experience Designer
Garrett is a senior user experience designer for a design agency in
Atlanta called Launch Interactive, which creates thoughtful user experiences
for global brands across a variety of industries. Profile (December 2019)
17. What psychology majors should expect from your study abroad/international
How to get more out of your international experience. Newsletter Article
(October 2019)
18. More Than Just Beliefs: Experience and Beliefs Jointly Contribute
to Volume Effects on Metacognitive Judgments [PDF]
This study compared global metacognitive judgments to item-level judgments
of learning made during study to independently assess the contribution
of beliefs and experience to volume-effects on judgments of learning. Journal
Article (May 2017)
19. Tasty colorful sounds: How people with synesthesia experience the
world, with Julia Simner, PhD
Julia Simner, PhD, discusses the many forms of synesthesia, how synesthetes
experience the world, and what scientists have learned from brain imaging
studies about synesthesia. Podcast (August 2022)
20. Book review: The Varieties of Spiritual Experience: 21st Century
Research and Perspectives
A text that works simultaneously as a graduate textbook and as an introduction
to those with a non-academic curiosity about the physical and psychological
underpinnings of spiritual events. Article (July 2023)
21. Petition: Clinical Psychopharmacology [PDF]
Clinical psychopharmacology petition package includes criterion for
administrative organizations and instructions for providing information
for the specialty council or organization submitting the petition.
APA Policy (January 2018)
22. Tips and tricks for finding and applying to National Science Foundation’s
Research Experience for Undergraduates and Internships
These experiences are at the bedrock of furthering psychology education
outside of the classroom and allow students to take a hands-on approach
in learning about and contributing to the field. Newsletter Article (September
23. Maximize your APA convention experience
A draft toolkit is in the works that provides guidance on how to engage
in discussions about parental physical discipline with a variety of audiences.
Newsletter Article (July 2019)
24. Patients' experience of spirituality and change in individual
psychotherapy at a Christian counseling clinic: A grounded theory analysis
How can the mechanics of spirituality reduce psychological symptoms
and increase overall wellness for psychotherapy patients? Newsletter
Article (November 2015)
25. Designation Criteria for Education and Training Programs in
Preparation for Prescriptive Authority [PDF]
The education and training of psychologists for prescriptive
authority should occur within a program with an identifiable organization,
curriculum and faculty. APA Policy (October 2009)
26. Role of psychology and APA in dismantling systemic racism in U.S.
The purpose of this resolution is to identify psychology’s role in
helping to expose, understand, and ultimately dismantle racism operating
across all levels in each of the following systems of society—education,
science, health care, work and economic opportunities, criminal justice,
early childhood development, and government and public policy. APA Policy
(December 2021)
27. Undergraduate Research Experience: A Roadmap to Guide Your Journey
This article discusses the value of research experiences and how to
get started. Newsletter Article (September 2022)
28. Chapter X: Professional Affairs (Part 2)
Policies regarding the profession of psychology, including the stigma
of mental illness, the health care system, diagnosis of autism, treatment
guidelines, outpatient civil commitment, record-keeping, evidence-based
practice and child custody. APA Policy (October 2008)
29. Review: Varieties of Anomalous Experience: Examining the Scientific
Danielle Lewis reviews a book about hallucinations, lucid dreaming,
alien abduction, anomalous healing, past life experiences, among other
experiences. Newsletter Article (January 2015)
30. Chapter IX: Educational Affairs
Policy regarding the teaching of psychology, including
doctoral and master's programs, respecialization, human subjects in research,
continuing education, internships and attracting ethnic minority students
to psychology. APA Policy (March 2024)
31. National standards for high school psychology curricula
Learning objectives and guidance for teaching based on active learning
principles and recommendations for student learning assessment. Providing
content and performance standards to guide teachers in designing instruction.
APA Policy (November 2022)
32. Resolution on Appropriate Affirmative Responses to Sexual
Orientation Distress and Change Efforts
The American Psychological Association concludes that there is
insufficient evidence to support the use of psychological interventions
to change sexual orientation. APA Policy (June 2022)
33. Chapter X: Professional Affairs (Part 1)
Policies regarding the profession of psychology, including hypnosis,
managed health care, licensing, impaired psychologists, hospital privileges,
school psychology and prescription privileges. APA Policy (October 2008)
34. Resolution on Culture and Gender Awareness in International
There is a need to develop and disseminate materials training
psychologists to conduct culturally appropriate research and practice around
the world as well as within the culturally diverse United States. APA Policy
(July 2004)
35. APA Policy on the Appropriate Therapeutic Responses to Sexual
The American Psychological Association opposes portrayals of
lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth and adults as mentally ill due to their
sexual orientation and supports interventions to counteract bias based
in unfounded beliefs about sexual orientation. APA Policy (August
36. Resolution on Palliative Care and End-of-life Issues and Justification
APA-adopted policy outlining the role of psychology in palliative
care. APA Policy (June 2022)
37. Chapter XII: Public Interest (Part 2)
Current Public Interest policies of the American Psychological
Association, on subjects such as disabilities, gender identity, sexual
orientation, antisemitism, obesity and ethnic minorities. APA Policy (June
38. Resolution on Family Caregivers [PDF]
The number of family caregivers is expected to increase due to
the aging of the population, and an escalating rate of chronic, debilitating
health conditions. APA Policy (August 2011)
39. APA Resolution Supporting Girls’ and Women’s Human Rights
This resolution focuses on the human rights violations that are
systemically perpetrated against girls and women. APA Policy (August 2024)
40. Resolution on Family Caregivers
The number of family caregivers is expected to increase due to
the aging of the population, and an escalating rate of chronic, debilitating
health conditions. APA Policy (December 2011)
41. Resolution on the Maltreatment of Children with Disabilities
APA recommends a national strategy to accurately count the number of
children with disabilities who are maltreated. APA Policy (August 2016)
42. Resolution on the 2015 White House Conference on Aging
APA affirms the importance of the White House Conference on Aging as
a vital forum for the discussion of issues of aging and offers recommendations
to the planners and delegates of the 2015 White House Conference on Aging.
APA Policy (February 2015)
43. Resolution on Physical Discipline of Children by Parents
The goal of physical discipline is to reduce the recurrence of children’s
undesirable behaviors and to increase the frequency of children’s desirable
behaviors. APA Policy (August 2019)
44. Chapter XII: Public Interest (Part 1)
Current public interest policies on subjects such as abortion, political
dissent, corporal punishment, child custody, boxing, nuclear weapons, acessibility,
AIDS education, homelessness, sexism and special education. APA Policy
(October 2008)
45. Psychologists' work in national security settings and reaffirmation of the APA position against torture Psychologists may not work in settings where persons are held outside of, or in violation of, either international law or the U.S. Constitution. APA Policy (August 2013)
46. Neuropsychological Assessment and HIV Infection
In 1991, APA argued that serological screening for HIV infection cannot
be used to assess functional, intellectual or cognitive impairment. APA
Policy (January 1991)
47. APA Policy Statement on Immigrant Health
There is a need for psychologists to become more knowledgeable about
how to address the behavioral health needs of immigrants. APA Policy (August
48. Resolution on Marriage Equality for Same-Sex Couples
Civil marriage, civil unions and domestic partnerships perpetuates
the stigma historically attached to homosexuality, and reinforces prejudice
against lesbian, gay and bisexual people based on their sexual orientation
or gender identity. APA Policy (August 2011)
49. Resolution on Poverty and SES
APA will support research on service utilization among chronically
and pervasively mentally ill populations at risk for homelessness and the
evaluation of programs that support rapid return to stable and permanent
housing. APA Policy (July 2022)
50. Resolution on Sexual Orientation and Marriage [PDF]
The social stigma, prejudice, discrimination, and violence associated
with not having a heterosexual sexual orientation and the hostile and stressful
social environments created thereby adversely affect the psychological,
physical, social, and economic well-being of lesbian, gay, and bisexual
individuals. APA Policy (February 2007)
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