Noam Chomsky - Ein First Class Whistleblower der USA
von Rudolf Sponsel, Erlangen
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum 75. Geburtstag - Happy Birthday
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum 75. Geburtstag - Happy Birthday
Noam Chomsky ist sicher einer der ersten und besten Adressen für einen Whistleblower der westlichen Welt und besonders natürlich der USA. Es gibt kaum einen Amerikaner, der so klar, so deutlich, so grundlegend und nachhaltig mit seiner Nation ins Gericht geht wie Chomsky. Das ist ein Amerikaner nach unserem Geschmack. Wir freuen uns, daß es auch dieses Amerika gibt, das Menschen wie Chomsky hervorbringt. |
Noam Chomsky - Ein Porträt
Anarchist, politischer Analytiker und Professor für Linguistik
und Philosophie am Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge/Mass..
- Noam Chomsky, geboren am 7. Dezember 1928 in Philadelphia, ist all das
und oftmals sogar in dieser Reihenfolge. Seine Vielseitigkeit, seine wissenschaftlichen
und politischen Publikationen und Vorträge machen ihn zu einem der
am meisten gelesenen und zitierten lebenden Publizisten. "Der einflussreichste
westliche Intellektuelle" hatte ihn nicht zu Unrecht die New York Times
einst genannt, oder "den bekanntesten Dissidenten der Welt". (Quelle
und mehr)
Eine Begegnung mit dem 75-jährigen Noam Chomsky - Tobias
Hürter (Weltwoche:)
Am 7. Dezember wird Noam Chomsky 75 Jahre alt. Er hat mehr Bücher
verfasst, als er an Jahren zählt. Das Renommee, von dem der politische
Aktivist Chomsky zehrt, verdankt er dem Wissenschaftler Chomsky. In den
fünfziger Jahren löste er eine Revolution aus, als er erkannte,
welch tiefes und weitverzweigtes System syntaktischer Strukturen hinter
den Lautfolgen der Sprache steckt.
Bibliographie bis 1999:
Chomsky, Noam. (1964). Current issues in linguistic theory. The Hague:
--- (1965). Aspects of the theory of syntax. Cambridge: M.I.T. Press.
--- (1966). Cartesian linguistics: a chapter in the history of rationalist
thought. New York: Harper & Row.
--- (1966). Topics in the theory of generative grammar. The Hague:
--- (1966). Perspectives on Vietnam : [microform] / speech / by Noam
Chomsky as part of a program presented by the Faculty Peace Committee,
November 10, 1966, at the University of California - Berkeley. Berkeley:
Academic Publishing.
--- (1968). Language and mind. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World.
--- (1968). Syntactic structures. The Hague: Mouton.
--- (1969). American Power and the New Mandarins. Harmondsworth, England:
--- (1969). I nuovi mandarini; gli intellettuali e il potere in America.
Torino: G. Einaudi.
--- (1969) L'Amerique et ses Nouveaux Mandarins. Paris, Editions du
--- (1970). "Notes on Anarchism," New York Review of Books. v. 14,
no 10, May 21, 1970, pp. 31-35.
--- (1970). At war with Asia. New York: Pantheon Books.
--- (1970). Two essays on Cambodia. Nottingham:
Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation for The Spokesman.
--- (1971). Chomsky: selected readings. edited by J. P. B. Allen and
Paul Van Buren. London, New York: Oxford University Press.
--- (1971). Problems of knowledge and freedom. New York:
Pantheon Books.
--- Jakobson, Roman, Halle, Morris. (1972). Hypothèses, trois
entretiens et trois études sur la linguistique et la poétique.
[Traduction,] présentations et contributions de Jean-Pierre Faye,
Jean Paris, Jacques Roubaud, Mitsou Ronat. Paris: Seghers, Laffont.
--- (1972). Language and mind. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
--- (1972). Studies on semantics in generative grammar. The Hague:
--- (1972). Syntactic structures. The Hague: Mouton.
--- (1973). Conoscenza e libertá. Torino: Einaudi.
--- (1973). For reasons of state. New York: Pantheon Books.
--- (1974). Peace in the Middle East? Reflections on justice and nationhood.
New York: Vintage Books.
--- (1974). Proceso contra Skinner. Barcelona: Editorial Anagrama.
--- (1975). The logical structure of linguistic theory.
New York: Plenum Press.
--- (1975). Reflections on language. New York: Pantheon Books.
--- (1977). Essays on form and interpretation. New York: North-Holland.
--- (1978). Human Rights and American Foreign Policy.
Nottingham: Spokesman Books.
--- (1978). Intellectuals and the state. Baarn: Wereldvesten
--- Vigier, Jean-Pierre (1978). Verso la terza guerra mondiale? Milano:
Gabriele Mazzotta. Translation from French by Sergio Mancini. Reprint.
Originally published: Paris: François Maspero, 1976.
--- Herman, E. S. (1979). After the cataclysm: postwar Indochina and
the reconstruction of imperial ideology. Boston: South End Press.
--- (1979). Language and responsibility: based on conversations with
Mitson Ronat. translated from the French by John Viertel. New York: Pantheon
--- (1979). Morphophonemics of modern Hebrew. New York: Garland Publishing
Co. (136 Madison Ave. NYC 10016).
--- Herman, Edward S. (1979). The political economy of human rights.
Montreal: Black Rose.
--- (1979). Reflexiones sobre el lenguaje. traducción de Joan
A. Argente y Josep M. Nadal. Barcelona: Editorial Ariel.
--- (1979). The Washington connection and Third World fascism. Boston:
South End Press.
--- (1981). Lectures on government and binding. Dordrecht: Foris.
--- (1981). Radical priorities. Montreal: Black Rose Books.
--- (1982). Some concepts and consequences of the theory of government
and binding. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
--- (1982). Superpowers in collision: the cold war now. Harmondsworth,
Middlesex, England; New York, N.Y.: Penguin.
--- (1982).Towards a new cold war: essays on the current crisis and
how we got there. New York: Pantheon Books.
--- (1983). The fateful triangle: the United States, Israel, and the
Palestinians. Boston, MA: South End Press.
--- (1984). Modular approaches to the study of the mind. San Diego:
San Diego State University Press.
--- (1985). Turning the tide : U.S. intervention in Central America
and the struggle for peace. Boston, Mass.: South End Press.
--- (1986). Barriers. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
--- (1986). Knowledge of language: its nature, origins, and use.
New York: Praeger.
--- (1986). Pirates & emperors: international terrorism in the
real world. New York: Claremont Research & Publications.
--- (1986). The race to destruction: its rational basis.
Nottingham: Published by Spokesman for the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation.
--- (1987). The Chomsky reader. edited by James Peck. New York: Pantheon
--- (1987). La quinta libertad: la política internacional y
de seguridad de Estados Unidos. San Salvador, El Salvador: UCA Editores.
--- (1987). On Power and Ideology. Boston, MA: South End Press.
--- (1987). Turning the tide: the U.S. and Latin America. Montreal:
Black Rose Books; Cheektowaga, N.Y.: Univ. of Toronto Press.
--- (1988). The Culture of Terrorism. Boston, MA: South End Press.
--- (1988). Language and Politics. Montreal; New York: Black Rose Books.
--- (1988). Language and Problems of Knowledge. Cambridge,
MA: MIT Press.
--- Herman, Edward S. (1988). Manufacturing consent: the political
economy of the mass media. New York: Pantheon Books.
--- (1988). Nuestra pequena region de por aqui: politica de seguridad
de los Estados Unidos. Managua: Editorial Nueva Nicaragua.
--- (1989). Necessary Illusions . Boston, MA:
South End Press.
--- (1991). Pirates & emperors: international terrorism in the
real world. Rev. ed. Montreal; New York, NY: Black Rose Books.
--- (1991). The Sound Pattern of English. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
--- (1991). Terrorizing the Neighborhood. San Francisco: Pressure Drop
--- (1992). What Uncle Sam really wants. Berkeley: Odonian Press.
--- (1992). Chronicles of dissent: interviews with David Barsamian.
Monroe, ME: Common Courage Press; Stirling, Scotland: AK Press.
--- (1992). Deterring democracy. New York: Hill and Wang.
--- (1993). Language and Thought Wakefield, RI: Moyer Bell.
--- (1993). Lectures on government and binding: the Pisa lectures.
7th ed. Berlin; New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
--- (1993). Letters from Lexington: reflections on propoganda. Monroe,
Common Courage Press.
--- (1993). The prosperous few and the restless many. Berkeley, CA:
Odonian Press.
--- (1993). Rethinking Camelot: JFK, the Vietnam War, and U.S. political
culture. Boston, MA: South End Press.
--- (1993) World order and its rules: variations on some themes.
Belfast: West Belfast Economic Forum and Centre for Research and Documentation.
--- (1993). Year 501: the conquest continues. Boston: South End Press.
--- (1994) Critical assessments. London; New York: Routledge.
--- (1994). Keeping the rabble in line: interviews with David Barsamian.
Monroe, ME: Common Courage Press.
--- (1994). Manufacturing consent: Noam Chomsky and the media. The
companion book to the award-winning film by Peter Wintonick and Mark Achbar.
Montreal; New York: Black Rose Books.
--- (1994). Secrets, lies, and democracy. Tucson, AZ: Odonian Press.
--- (1994). World orders, old and new. New York: Columbia University
--- (1995). The minimalist program. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
--- (1995) Secrets, lies, and democracy. Interviewed: David Barsamian.
Tucson, Ariz. : Odonian Press
--- (1995). Chiapas Insurgente. Navarra: Txalaparta.
--- (1996). Powers and prospects: reflections on human nature and the
social order. Boston, MA: South End Press.
--- (1996). Class warfare: interviews with David Barsamian. Monroe,
Me: Common Courage Press.
--- (1997). Media control: the spectacular achievements of propaganda.
New York: Seven Stories Press.
--- (1997). The Cold War and the University. New York: New Press.
--- (?) Terrorizing the neighborhood: American foreign policy in the
post-cold war era. Stirling, Scotland, UK: AK Press; San Francisco, CA:
Pressure Drop Press.
--- (1999). The new military humanism: lesssons from Kosovo. Monroe,
ME: Common Courage Press.
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