Internet Publikation für Allgemeine und Integrative Psychotherapie
(ISSN 1430-6972)
IP-GIPT DAS=01.05.2001 Internet-Erstausgabe, letzte Änderung: 18.01.20
Impressum: Diplom-Psychologe Dr. phil. Rudolf Sponsel Stubenlohstr. 20 D-91052 Erlangen
Mail: sekretariat@sgipt.org_ Zitierung & Copyright
Anfang Zusatzanalysen Augsburg.Schulpsych._Datenschutz_Überblick _ Relativ Aktuelles _ Rel. Beständiges _ Titelblatt _ Konzept _ Archiv _ Region _ Service iec-verlag _Mail: _ _ Zitierung & Copyright
Willkommen in unserer Internet-Publikation für allgemeine und integrative Psychotherapie, Abteilung Wissenschaftstheorie, Methodologie und Statistisch-Mathematische Methoden, Bereich Faktorenanalyse, und hier speziell zu:
Die zweite Matrixanalyse der rückgerechneten Korrelationsmatrix aus den 28 Faktoren mit den originalen Hauptdiagonalelementen
Zur Zusammenfassung und den HauptergebnissenAnmerkung zu den Hauptdiagonalelementen in unten dokumentierter Matrix: Aufgrund der dreistelligen Ausgabe werden alle Hauptdiagonalwerte 1. Der erste Hauptdiagonalwert ergab bei Rechnung mit 17-stelliger Genauigkeit .99999999999999988.
18 Eigenwerte weist das Programm als negativ aus, aber außerhalb des darstellbaren Bereichs, also praktisch 0, daher entgleist auch nur ein einziger multipler Korrelationskoeffizient mit einem Wert > 1.
Erläuterungen zur Matrixanalyse:
Numerische Laien hier und Professionell Interessierte hierDatenquelle: MEIDHPA.F46
Samp Or MD NumS Condit Determinant HaInRatio R_OutIn K_Norm C_Norm
29 46 7 -18 9.1D+16 0 5.81D-327 17456.3 hier nicht gerechnet.********** Summary of standard correlation matrix analysis ***********
File = MEIDHPA.F46 N-order= 46 N-sample= 29 Rank= 46 Missing data = 7
Positiv Definit=Cholesky successful________= No with 18 negat. eigenvalue/s
HEVA: Highest eigenvalue abs.value_________= 12.128393509183514
LEVA: Lowest eigenvalue absolute value_____= 1.3183898417423734D-16
CON: Condition number HEVA/LEVA___________~= 9.1993984822840614D+16
DET: Determinant original matrix (OMIKRON)_= 2.2449307719858751D-312
DET: Determinant (CHOLESKY-Diagonal^2)_____= -999 (not positive definit)
DET: Determinant (PESO-CHOLESKY)___________= hier nicht gerechnet.
DET: Determinant (product eigenvalues)_____= 1.5243655968355326D-287
DET: Determ.abs.val.(PESO hier nicht gerechnet.
HAC: HADAMARD condition number_____________= 1.3704052250999461D-327
HCN: Heuristic condition |DET|CON__________= 2.4403016961479586D-329
D_I: Determinant Inverse absolute value____= 4.4544803451350789D+311
HDA: HADAMARD Inequality absolute value___<= 7.6667033546693015D+838
HIR: HADAMARD RATIO: D_I / HDA ____________= 5.810163950613973D-528
Highest inverse positive diagonal value____= 3.0293417985929029D+18
thus multiple r( 1
and 45 multiple r > .99
Highest inverse negative diagonal value____= -3.325452230984173D+16
thus multiple r( 1 (!)
and there are 1 multiple r > 1 (!)
Maximum range (upp-low) multip-r( 1.43
LES: Numerical stability analysis:
Ratio maximum range output / input _______= 17456.262842276092
PESO-Analysis correlation least Ratio RN/ON= hier nicht gerechnet.
Number of Ratios correlation RN/ON < .01__ = hier nicht gerechnet.
PESO-Analysis Cholesky least Ratio RN/ON__ = hier nicht gerechnet.
Number of Ratios Cholesky RN/ON < .1 _____ = hier nicht gerechnet.Ncor L1-Norm L2-Norm Max Min m|c| s|c| N_comp M-S S-S
2116 546.6 15.05 1 -.618 .242 .17 535095 .19 .147class boundaries and distribution of the correlation coefficients
-1 -.8 -.6 -.4 -.2 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1
0 2 4 52 338 646 654 306 66 48Original data with 17, input read with 17, computet with 19,
and showed with 3 digit accuracy (for control here the analysed original matrix):1 .522 .452 .634 .512 .359 .248 .319 .083 .176 .016 -5D-3 .107
.522 1 .587 .482 .705 .507 .025 .012 .299 .408 .066 4D-3 .193
.452 .587 1 .708 .682 .492 .201 .163 .07 .376 -.119 .18 .236
.634 .482 .708 1 .463 .447 .321 .131 .079 .385 .077 .018 .031
.512 .705 .682 .463 1 .644 .384 .234 .346 .444 .089 .062 .094
.359 .507 .492 .447 .644 1 .225 .077 .298 .325 -.061 .179 .041
.248 .025 .201 .321 .384 .225 1 .413 .116 .468 .381 .073 -.265
.319 .012 .163 .131 .234 .077 .413 1 .416 .104 -.035 .013 -.097
.083 .299 .07 .079 .346 .298 .116 .416 1 .357 .17 .243 -.199
.176 .408 .376 .385 .444 .325 .468 .104 .357 1 .491 -.071 -.115
.016 .066 -.119 .077 .089 -.061 .381 -.035 .17 .491 1 .053 -.266
-5D-3 4D-3 .18 .018 .062 .179 .073 .013 .243 -.071 .053 1 .036
.107 .193 .236 .031 .094 .041 -.265 -.097 -.199 -.115 -.266 .036 1
.237 .344 .564 .435 .361 .417 .038 .171 -.082 .304 .023 -.129 .416
.048 .255 .396 .267 .243 .221 -.173 -.163 -.265 .194 -.096 -.078 .551
.178 .404 .363 .404 .162 .409 .197 .081 .279 .513 .194 .084 .129
-.037 .21 .168 .157 -.085 .296 .081 -.235 -.071 .119 -.133 .234 .222
-.109 -.092 -.037 -.046 -.083 .194 .44 .097 .164 .107 .156 .292 .114
.215 .372 .307 .342 .148 .188 .045 -.154 -.034 -.022 .128 .067 .261
.377 .153 .508 .359 .264 -4D-3 .102 .324 -.086 -.051 .015 .122 .339
.226 .278 .226 .25 .263 .048 .165 .12 -4D-3 -.032 0 -.13 -.116
.082 .038 .171 .213 .157 .097 .224 .272 -.016 -.117 .038 -1D-3 .094
-.462 -.177 -.251 -.148 -.371 -4D-3 .106 -.106 3D-3 .235 .177 -.245 -.132
.064 -.036 .266 .209 .031 .122 .261 .169 -.111 .233 .105 .188 .084
.257 -.086 .429 .565 .091 .293 .367 .064 .039 .221 0 .446 .02
.253 .273 .239 .377 .063 .259 .052 .127 -.109 .145 -.137 .027 .321
-.143 -.267 -.035 -.201 -.21 -.115 -.039 .144 -.052 -.06 -.137 .105 .389
-.139 .039 -.055 -.032 -.017 -.241 .342 .204 -.159 -.114 9D-3 -.191 .136
.161 .058 .331 .434 .173 .159 .418 .112 -.248 .203 -.074 -7D-3 .407
.229 .089 .32 .25 .315 .445 .2 -.053 -3D-3 .131 -.043 .237 .344
.279 .423 .639 .57 .344 .513 -.049 -.014 -.079 3D-3 -.146 .136 .294
.144 .325 .584 .456 .255 .452 -.097 -.134 -.155 -.077 -.232 .154 .234
-.388 .031 .224 -7D-3 .176 .105 .257 .041 -6D-3 .066 -.064 -.178 .154
.409 .247 .4 .477 .303 .514 .127 .186 .084 .055 .021 .145 .344
.092 .127 .355 .367 .19 .525 .03 .01 .032 .113 -.077 .169 .235
.198 .262 .194 .27 .12 .357 -.119 -.146 -.11 -.013 -.051 .023 .404
-.306 -.121 -.122 -.14 -.26 .043 -.443 -.618 -.271 -.212 -.203 .18 .183
.239 .307 .515 .411 .352 .419 .059 .039 -.042 .098 -.123 .027 .478
.164 .176 .29 .374 .035 .245 -.039 -.185 -.193 .015 -8D-3 .295 .159
.065 .23 .447 .273 .232 .365 -.095 -.167 -.106 .181 -.15 .364 .12
.274 .354 .509 .426 .325 .402 5D-3 -.135 -.141 -3D-3 -.158 .047 .224
.112 .025 .201 .169 .126 .331 .124 -.079 -.099 -.095 .021 .326 .333
-.059 .033 .18 .139 -.059 .209 -.089 -.208 -.082 -.096 -.164 .418 .074
.225 .393 .353 .298 .308 .432 -.167 -.104 .106 .032 -.097 .096 .319
.227 .215 .096 .039 .272 .183 .179 .097 .05 .1 .251 .375 .205
-.072 .121 .244 .136 .04 .351 .01 -.118 -.026 .127 .1 .475 -.014.237 .048 .178 -.037 -.109 .215 .377 .226 .082 -.462 .064 .257 .253
.344 .255 .404 .21 -.092 .372 .153 .278 .038 -.177 -.036 -.086 .273
.564 .396 .363 .168 -.037 .307 .508 .226 .171 -.251 .266 .429 .239
.435 .267 .404 .157 -.046 .342 .359 .25 .213 -.148 .209 .565 .377
.361 .243 .162 -.085 -.083 .148 .264 .263 .157 -.371 .031 .091 .063
.417 .221 .409 .296 .194 .188 -4D-3 .048 .097 -4D-3 .122 .293 .259
.038 -.173 .197 .081 .44 .045 .102 .165 .224 .106 .261 .367 .052
.171 -.163 .081 -.235 .097 -.154 .324 .12 .272 -.106 .169 .064 .127
-.082 -.265 .279 -.071 .164 -.034 -.086 -4D-3 -.016 3D-3 -.111 .039 -.109
.304 .194 .513 .119 .107 -.022 -.051 -.032 -.117 .235 .233 .221 .145
.023 -.096 .194 -.133 .156 .128 .015 0 .038 .177 .105 0 -.137
-.129 -.078 .084 .234 .292 .067 .122 -.13 -1D-3 -.245 .188 .446 .027
.416 .551 .129 .222 .114 .261 .339 -.116 .094 -.132 .084 .02 .321
1 .491 .462 .077 -.049 .377 .361 .248 .298 .054 .458 .108 .592
.491 1 -.027 .3 -.139 .07 .371 -.063 .041 -.04 .166 .175 .391
.462 -.027 1 .293 .442 .347 -.033 -.079 1D-3 .326 .209 .151 .24
.077 .3 .293 1 .484 .401 .011 .22 .127 .39 .19 .434 .48
-.049 -.139 .442 .484 1 .365 .013 -.088 .131 .431 .225 .291 .017
.377 .07 .347 .401 .365 1 .278 .502 .411 .267 .377 .216 .376
.361 .371 -.033 .011 .013 .278 1 .202 .191 -.297 .326 .39 .143
.248 -.063 -.079 .22 -.088 .502 .202 1 .703 .045 .327 .065 .407
.298 .041 1D-3 .127 .131 .411 .191 .703 1 .188 .516 .099 .323
.054 -.04 .326 .39 .431 .267 -.297 .045 .188 1 .383 .02 .195
.458 .166 .209 .19 .225 .377 .326 .327 .516 .383 1 .423 .433
.108 .175 .151 .434 .291 .216 .39 .065 .099 .02 .423 1 .296
.592 .391 .24 .48 .017 .376 .143 .407 .323 .195 .433 .296 1
.36 .164 .153 .304 .313 .221 .162 .109 .205 .26 .368 .195 .376
.076 -.08 -5D-3 .148 .222 .309 .137 .379 .487 .258 .241 -.093 .203
.461 .377 .159 .32 .207 .139 .277 .308 .499 .136 .522 .426 .588
.452 .121 .296 .161 .338 .163 .046 .107 .235 -.105 .27 .286 .275
.656 .421 .375 .353 .077 .688 .399 .428 .418 .032 .411 .383 .495
.624 .288 .356 .354 .049 .651 .31 .427 .324 .051 .422 .376 .464
.306 .146 .122 .124 .133 .079 .185 .112 .175 .224 .147 .045 .081
.584 .248 .395 .112 .181 .403 .368 .087 .237 -.111 .158 .399 .434
.684 .342 .4 .281 .168 .384 .18 .177 .205 .056 .282 .361 .625
.648 .204 .35 .232 1D-3 .509 .127 .348 .406 .067 .324 .089 .627
-.073 .252 -.119 .18 .01 .057 -.226 -.352 -.214 .149 -.014 .092 .064
.735 .445 .342 .254 .16 .582 .478 .337 .469 .181 .549 .301 .54
.268 .208 .201 .254 .025 .196 .203 -3D-3 .05 -.176 .191 .443 .346
.328 .274 .138 .152 -.101 -2D-3 .038 -.029 -1D-3 -.192 .155 .282 .261
.565 .351 .185 .311 -3D-3 .572 .281 .41 .194 .066 .308 .306 .518
.222 .286 .058 .424 .38 .29 .51 .096 .183 .041 .382 .521 .34
-.221 .164 -5D-3 .45 .211 .066 .011 -.202 -.145 -.018 .016 .409 .079
.452 .253 .376 .249 .054 .49 .025 .216 .283 -.034 .214 .129 .4
.203 .166 -.087 .204 .082 .158 -.029 .276 .276 -.174 .254 .151 .38
.305 .314 .245 .349 .308 .368 .084 -.026 -.012 .179 .49 .358 .318-.143 -.139 .161 .229 .279 .144 -.388 .409 .092 .198 -.306 .239 .164
-.267 .039 .058 .089 .423 .325 .031 .247 .127 .262 -.121 .307 .176
-.035 -.055 .331 .32 .639 .584 .224 .4 .355 .194 -.122 .515 .29
-.201 -.032 .434 .25 .57 .456 -7D-3 .477 .367 .27 -.14 .411 .374
-.21 -.017 .173 .315 .344 .255 .176 .303 .19 .12 -.26 .352 .035
-.115 -.241 .159 .445 .513 .452 .105 .514 .525 .357 .043 .419 .245
-.039 .342 .418 .2 -.049 -.097 .257 .127 .03 -.119 -.443 .059 -.039
.144 .204 .112 -.053 -.014 -.134 .041 .186 .01 -.146 -.618 .039 -.185
-.052 -.159 -.248 -3D-3 -.079 -.155 -6D-3 .084 .032 -.11 -.271 -.042 -.193
-.06 -.114 .203 .131 3D-3 -.077 .066 .055 .113 -.013 -.212 .098 .015
-.137 9D-3 -.074 -.043 -.146 -.232 -.064 .021 -.077 -.051 -.203 -.123 -8D-3
.105 -.191 -7D-3 .237 .136 .154 -.178 .145 .169 .023 .18 .027 .295
.389 .136 .407 .344 .294 .234 .154 .344 .235 .404 .183 .478 .159
.36 .076 .461 .452 .656 .624 .306 .584 .684 .648 -.073 .735 .268
.164 -.08 .377 .121 .421 .288 .146 .248 .342 .204 .252 .445 .208
.153 -5D-3 .159 .296 .375 .356 .122 .395 .4 .35 -.119 .342 .201
.304 .148 .32 .161 .353 .354 .124 .112 .281 .232 .18 .254 .254
.313 .222 .207 .338 .077 .049 .133 .181 .168 1D-3 .01 .16 .025
.221 .309 .139 .163 .688 .651 .079 .403 .384 .509 .057 .582 .196
.162 .137 .277 .046 .399 .31 .185 .368 .18 .127 -.226 .478 .203
.109 .379 .308 .107 .428 .427 .112 .087 .177 .348 -.352 .337 -3D-3
.205 .487 .499 .235 .418 .324 .175 .237 .205 .406 -.214 .469 .05
.26 .258 .136 -.105 .032 .051 .224 -.111 .056 .067 .149 .181 -.176
.368 .241 .522 .27 .411 .422 .147 .158 .282 .324 -.014 .549 .191
.195 -.093 .426 .286 .383 .376 .045 .399 .361 .089 .092 .301 .443
.376 .203 .588 .275 .495 .464 .081 .434 .625 .627 .064 .54 .346
1 .332 .319 .303 .1 .183 .132 .156 .278 .318 .097 .406 .123
.332 1 .419 -.132 .014 .051 .499 -.054 -.103 .2 -.153 .224 .163
.319 .419 1 .564 .27 .266 .371 .273 .289 .35 -.035 .513 .253
.303 -.132 .564 1 .253 .32 .05 .366 .409 .333 .179 .449 .168
.1 .014 .27 .253 1 .937 .204 .659 .681 .563 .027 .693 .382
.183 .051 .266 .32 .937 1 .31 .544 .659 .55 .121 .654 .422
.132 .499 .371 .05 .204 .31 1 .153 .203 .124 -.124 .285 .069
.156 -.054 .273 .366 .659 .544 .153 1 .754 .645 .051 .63 .485
.278 -.103 .289 .409 .681 .659 .203 .754 1 .744 .208 .673 .509
.318 .2 .35 .333 .563 .55 .124 .645 .744 1 .21 .732 .54
.097 -.153 -.035 .179 .027 .121 -.124 .051 .208 .21 1 .225 .448
.406 .224 .513 .449 .693 .654 .285 .63 .673 .732 .225 1 .355
.123 .163 .253 .168 .382 .422 .069 .485 .509 .54 .448 .355 1
.086 -.089 .182 .304 .287 .324 -.093 .293 .482 .437 .521 .372 .75
.252 .075 .257 .24 .736 .762 .179 .504 .63 .57 .19 .725 .38
.369 .191 .451 .395 .308 .351 .24 .35 .417 .388 .278 .54 .522
-.085 -.088 -.022 -3D-3 .16 .192 -.123 -.065 .163 -.039 .468 3D-3 .511
.332 .153 .1 .221 .584 .584 .079 .417 .563 .633 .211 .524 .534
.343 .172 .303 .376 .135 .133 -.128 .111 .122 .192 3D-3 .11 .281
.101 -.183 1D-3 .143 .552 .552 -.029 .261 .529 .198 .321 .304 .401.065 .274 .112 -.059 .225 .227 -.072
.23 .354 .025 .033 .393 .215 .121
.447 .509 .201 .18 .353 .096 .244
.273 .426 .169 .139 .298 .039 .136
.232 .325 .126 -.059 .308 .272 .04
.365 .402 .331 .209 .432 .183 .351
-.095 5D-3 .124 -.089 -.167 .179 .01
-.167 -.135 -.079 -.208 -.104 .097 -.118
-.106 -.141 -.099 -.082 .106 .05 -.026
.181 -3D-3 -.095 -.096 .032 .1 .127
-.15 -.158 .021 -.164 -.097 .251 .1
.364 .047 .326 .418 .096 .375 .475
.12 .224 .333 .074 .319 .205 -.014
.328 .565 .222 -.221 .452 .203 .305
.274 .351 .286 .164 .253 .166 .314
.138 .185 .058 -5D-3 .376 -.087 .245
.152 .311 .424 .45 .249 .204 .349
-.101 -3D-3 .38 .211 .054 .082 .308
-2D-3 .572 .29 .066 .49 .158 .368
.038 .281 .51 .011 .025 -.029 .084
-.029 .41 .096 -.202 .216 .276 -.026
-1D-3 .194 .183 -.145 .283 .276 -.012
-.192 .066 .041 -.018 -.034 -.174 .179
.155 .308 .382 .016 .214 .254 .49
.282 .306 .521 .409 .129 .151 .358
.261 .518 .34 .079 .4 .38 .318
.086 .252 .369 -.085 .332 .343 .101
-.089 .075 .191 -.088 .153 .172 -.183
.182 .257 .451 -.022 .1 .303 1D-3
.304 .24 .395 -3D-3 .221 .376 .143
.287 .736 .308 .16 .584 .135 .552
.324 .762 .351 .192 .584 .133 .552
-.093 .179 .24 -.123 .079 -.128 -.029
.293 .504 .35 -.065 .417 .111 .261
.482 .63 .417 .163 .563 .122 .529
.437 .57 .388 -.039 .633 .192 .198
.521 .19 .278 .468 .211 3D-3 .321
.372 .725 .54 3D-3 .524 .11 .304
.75 .38 .522 .511 .534 .281 .401
1 .389 .293 .473 .387 .27 .396
.389 1 .404 .171 .553 .272 .473
.293 .404 1 .46 .366 .3 .324
.473 .171 .46 1 .33 .178 .476
.387 .553 .366 .33 1 .377 .373
.27 .272 .3 .178 .377 1 .325
.396 .473 .324 .476 .373 .325 1i.Eigenvalue Cholesky i.Eigenvalue Cholesky i.Eigenvalue Cholesky
1. 12.12839 1 2. 4.5171 .8527 3. 3.96495 .7917
4. 3.30509 .6109 5. 2.58961 .6025 6. 2.15586 .7398
7. 1.95287 .7895 8. 1.81432 .8427 9. 1.63352 .7356
10. 1.47482 .7095 11. 1.39972 .7438 12. 1.33091 .7548
13. 1.22362 .8694 14. .93888 .562 15. .83921 .5877
16. .74385 .4951 17. .7331 .4818 18. .59067 .449
19. .52315 .487 20. .46418 .5609 21. .36498 .4004
22. .32268 .4007 23. .2653 .3852 24. .22663 .3703
25. .18479 .2532 26. .13177 .3484 27. .09833 .289
28. .08166 .0761 29. 0 0 30. 0 0
31. 0 0 32. 0 -.8776 33. 0 -.1378
34. 0 -.754 35. 0 -1.5071 36. 0 -1.6042
37. 0 -.1205 38. 0 -2.4261 39. 0 -1.441
40. 0 -1.6764 41. 0 -2.989 42. 0 -1.6128
43. 0 -1.0545 44. 0 -2.8807 45. 0 -.6181
46. 0 -2.3103
The matrix is not positive definit. Cholesky decomposition is not successful.Eigenvalues in per cent of trace = 45.999999999999985
1 .2637 2 .0982 3 .0862 4 .0718 5 .0563 6 .0469
7 .0425 8 .0394 9 .0355 10 .0321 11 .0304 12 .0289
13 .0266 14 .0204 15 .0182 16 .0162 17 .0159 18 .0128
19 .0114 20 .0101 21 7.9D-3 22 7D-3 23 5.8D-3 24 4.9D-3
25 4D-3 26 2.9D-3 27 2.1D-3 28 1.8D-3 29 0 30 0
31 0 32 0 33 0 34 0 35 0 36 0
37 0 38 0 39 0 40 0 41 0 42 0
43 0 44 0 45 0 46 0analysed: 04/30/01 14:23:30 PRG version 05/24/94 MA9.BAS
Gesamtzeit_____________ 207.835
Rang_____________ 0
Determinante_____ 1.31
Eigenwerte/Vekt__ 0
Peso Kor+Chol____ 0
NuStabAnalyse____ 10.815
Date: 04/30/01 Time:14:23:30
Sponsel, Rudolf (DAS). Die zweite Matrixanalyse der rückgerechneten Korrelationsmatrix aus den 28 Faktoren mit den originalen Hauptdiagonalelementen. Dokumentation zu: Skalierung, Korrelation, Eigenwertanalyse, "Therapie" der negativen Eigenwerte und Faktorenanalysen der kompetenten BeurteilerInnen Verwahrlosungs-Item-Liste (Version 1999) der Augsburger SchulpsychologInnen. IP-GIPT. Erlangen:
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